Chingan Old Street (Chingan Bean Curd Street)

/ Fiona
Chingan Old Street is occupied by a number of grocery stores, food stalls, restaurants and traditional bean curd stores that visitors may savor bean curd (tofu) served in different flavors. As Chingan Village is resided mostly by the Atayal indigenous and Hakka people, one may also find a wide array of Hakka cuisines and aboriginal specials other than bean curd dishes.
Chingan Old Street is just few minutes away from the famous Taian Hot Spring making it the midpoint for visitors to stop before heading to the hot spring area. Taian Hot Spring is a popular alkaline carbonate spring with a temperature about 47 degrees Celsius, pH of 8, colorless and odorless.
Drive on your own:
No. 1 National Highway (國道一號/中山高) -> exit from Miaoli Interchange (苗栗交流道) -> Gongguan/Miaoli direction (公館/苗栗) -> Houwen Road of No. 6 Provincial Highway (台6線-後汶公路) -> Houlong Wenshui Line/No. 72 Provincial Highway (後龍汶水線(台72線)) -> exit from Shitan Interchange (獅潭端交流道) -> No. 3 Provincial Highway (台3線) -> Chingan Road/No. 62 Miaoli County Road (清安道路(苗62)) -> Chingan Old Street (清安老街)
No. 3 National Highway(國道三號/北二高) -> Houlong Interchange (後龍交流道) -> Miaoli, Houlong direction (苗栗後龍) -> No. 6 Provincial Highway(台6線) -> No. 1 Provincial Highway (台1線) -> Houlong Wenshui Line/No. 72 Provincial Highway (後龍汶水線(台72線)) -> exit from Shitan Interchange (獅潭端交流道) -> No. 3 Provincial Highway (台3線) -> Chingan Road/No. 62 Miaoli County Road (清安道路(苗62)) -> Chingan Old Street (清安老街)