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Taipei City ─ Xianjiyan Scenic Area
Xianjiyan Scenic Area-
The Xianjiyan Scenic Area is located in Wenshan Distrct, Jingmei area. According to Chinese myths the legendary deity Lu Dong-bin had once appeared in the area and had left his footprints behind, thus the name Xianji ( literally means 'divine footprint' ) was designated. Due to its geographic location Xianjiyan also be known as Jingmei Mountain. In between the Xianjiyan hiking trail sits a Xianji Temple which draws the believers to the temple and from the temple you can get a view of the southern districts of Taipei. The flourish trees, few resting pavilions on the way of trail, and floral information plates enable the tourists a full-on educational filed trip.

Lane 243, Jingxing Rd., Wenshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

google map

By Bus:

take 74 , 251 , 253 , 278 , 284 , 290 , 291 , 505 and get off at Jingmei Junior High or Jingmei Pubic Office.

Taipei Metro System:

Take Xindien Line and get off at Jingmei Station exit 2 and walk toward Jingxing Rd.->Xianjiyan