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New Taipei City ─ Shihsanhang Culture Park
Shihsanhang Culture Park-

Museum Rd., Bali District, New Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

expenditure brief:

Free admission
The above fees are for reference purposes only; actual costs are informed at the actual venue and we do NOT give any prior notice.

available parking areas:


google map

Driving direction:
Drive on Taiwan National HIghway No. 1. Exit on Wugu Interchange headed north to Wugu. Drive on Taiwan Provincial Highway No. 64 bound for Bali. Drive on Zhonghua Road then Turn left on Wenchang Road. Turn left on Bowuguan Road.

Public Transportation:
1. Take Taipei MRT Red Line to Tamsui Station, the terminal station. Board the Tamsui Ferry for Bali Wharf then walk.
2. Take Taipei MRT Red Line to Guandu Station. Take Bus Red 13 get off at Shihsanhang Culture Park Station.