Great Taipei Travel has essential travel information of Taipei, New Taipei City and Keelung, including tours, foods, attractions, accommodations, as well as Taipei MRT map and hotels nearby Taipei MRT stations for your travel ease.
Keelung City ─ Shih-chio-ling Fort
Shih-chio-ling Fort-
This fortress built in 1883 during the Qing Dynasty, is located on the south of Keelung on top of the Taipei-Keelung Freeway tunnel between Keelung Mountain and Tiger Mountain. The strategic location gives the military a complete sight of Keelung City. When the France invaded Taiwan through Seagate Barrier Fortress, the Chinese troops were forced to retreat to this fortress.

Thanks to the idea logistic of this fortress, they were able to safeguard the city at last.This area is now designated the country’s 3rd rank historical remains. To add to its popularity, the Peace Temple (Ping-An Kung) nearby attracts numerous worshippers annually to worship the popular “God of the Earth.” You will also enjoy breathtaking panoramic view of Keelung City from the ridgeline.

Ren’ai Dist, Keelung, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

google map

By car:
From the Keelung Freeway, go to Chung-1 Rd, I-1 Rd, Chen-kung Bridge, Shi-chui Rd towards the suburb.
At the end of the road, you will reach the car park.

By bus:
Take the Keelung 501 bus and alight at Len-5 Rd. Follow the sign board on Ming-le Rd and walk for a few minutes.