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Taipei City ─ 228 Peace Memorial Park
228 Peace Memorial Park-
This historic site locates south of Ketagalan Boulevard in Taipei’s Zhongzheng district, Taiwan, it is also the home of Taipei 228 Memorial Museum. The building was a former radio station that operated under Japanese and Kuomingtang rule. The park was originally called Taipei Park and was then changed to “New Park in the Past”. It was first established during the Qing Dynasty and it’s now one of the oldest parks in Taipei area.

Due to civil resistance on economic monopoly and corruption in the KMT government after World War II in 1947, people gathered in front of the police department on the 27th Feb 1947 to protest but were shot by the soldiers. The next day, 28th Feb, more people gathered in the Taipei Park and broadcast the movement at the radio station. In order to restrain the protesters and arrest alleged participants, the KMY government used military force on the public, causing hundreds hurt, and even death. During year 1996, the park was then renamed to 228 Peace Memorial Park in order to relieve this historic pain, a monument was set up in the park as well to remember the innocent people who sacrificed in the event.


No.3, Ketagalan Avenue, Chungchen District, Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

opening hours:

228 Peace Memorial Park is open all day.

Taipei 228 Memorial Museum:
10:00am - 17:00pm, Closed on Mondays


expenditure brief:

228 Peace Memorial Park is an open space, can enter the park for free.

Taipei 228 Memorial Museum: TWD 20

*Free visits are provided on certain dates each year, please see the official website:

The above fees are for reference purposes only; actual costs are informed at the actual venue and we do NOT give any prior notice.

google map

By Bus:
Take bus route 0東、2、5、18、20、37、88、222、249、251、295、604、621、648、651、849、仁愛幹線、信義幹線、羅斯福路幹線 to Taiwan University Hospital Station(捷運臺大醫院站) to reach the park.

1. Take MRT Danshui line(捷運淡水線) to Taiwan University Hospital Station(臺大醫院捷運站) to reach the park