August 23rd Artillery Battle Museum

Established in 1988, August 23rd Artillery Battle Museum was built to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the 23rd August, 1958 Artillery War. In 1958, Summer time as the worsening situation between Taiwan and China, in order to test the limits of the U.S.-Taiwan defense treaty, Mainland China planned to attack Kinmen and Matsu.

At 6:30 pm, on August 23, 1958, the Kinmen archipelago suddenly found them under massive artillery assault from Mainland China. When the Communists temporarily ceased fire on October 5, in just a short period of 44 days, 474,910 bullets had landed on the islands. That calculated into an average of four bullets per sq meter; the highest density in world record. It almost wiped out the entire Kinmen. The Communists officially stopped the war in 1978 when the United States officially recognized Beijing. The event is commonly referred to as “Battle of 823” in Chinese.

This monument was erected at Magpie Mountain and is visible from far away to remind the tourists to have perseverance in all circumstances.


1. From Taipei International Airport fly to Kinmen Airport.
2. From Kaohsiung International Airport fly to Kinmen Airport.

Kinmen Airport
Kinmen and Little Kinmen (Lieyu) have public bus service, and you can also rent a car or motor scooter. You can charter a taxi as well, but be sure to negotiate the price first.

Near Attractions

Kinmen 823 War Museum

Kinmen Folk Cultural Village

Kinmen National Park