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Guanziling Hot Spring Tour- Tainan, Southern Taiwan
Guanziling Hot Spring is famous because it is the only mud spring, so called “beauty spring,” in Taiwan. The spring has pungent smell of brimstone and gas, and the color of spring water is grey or black. Other hot spring choices in South Taiwans are Baolai and Bulao; both of them are weak alkaline carbonate hydrogen sodium springs. These two springs are located in Liouguei Township; the hot spring water is drinkable and would be helpful for boosting metabolism. Go down to the south end of Taiwan, Sihchongsi Hot Spring is located in Kenting. Its spring water is very clear and drinkable, and contains rich minerals, which is good for circulation and muscles.
Visitors may take train to Xinyin Train Station, then transfer Nanliao and Guanziling routes of Xinyin Bus to Guanziling Hot Springs.