The station was built in 1887 at Dadaocheng. It was a European style tent like station. The railway only reached to Keelung and Hsinchu at the time. During the Japanese colonial period in 1895, the station was relocated and open in 1901. As time passes, the station gradually could not afford the growing usage. Another construction took place and concrete was used as building material. Another significant remodeling took place in 1980 when the railway decided to underground the routes. Thus become the fourth generation of Taipei Main Station we recognize today.
Taipei Main Station now is the central transportation hub for railway, bus, high speed railway, and MRT. It’s the heaviest and the most important station in Northern Taiwan. It is surrounded by shopping district, restaurants and even the cram schools chose to be near this area. With superb transportation convenient, this area is where many people shops and where vents are held. It should be the most visited place by any travelers foreign or local while traveling in Taipei.