Xiangde Temple
Surrounded by mountains, Xiangde Temple looks like 9 lotuses, thus known as the Jiuhuashan (Nine Lotus) of Taiwan. Xiangde temple is a Buddhist temple. The main temple was completed in 1968, after the Central Cross-Island Highway was opened. Xiangde Temple then became part of the wonderful scenery of Tianxiang. Visited by many believers for worshiping Buddha, the temple also attracted may travelers from around the world for the magnificent scenery. Xiangde Temple not only allows visitors to worship Buddha but also lets them ascend the heights and look down over the Tianxiang terraces and fascinating gorge scenery.
opening hours:
Tel: +886-3-8691120
Take Kuo-Kuang Bus/ Hualien Bus to Tianxiang Station, head south walk to Jhih-Huei Bridge(稚暉橋) then pass the suspension bridge to the temple.