Fenreui Trail is an antiquity trial that connects Fenchihu and Reuili. The length of the trail is 6.5 kilometers, and it is about 1,100 to 1,600 meters above sea level. Since the Alishan railway was opened in 1912, Rueili villagers can transport and sell their crops to Fenchihu or chaiyi.
Fenreui Trail was the main trail for transportation between Fenchihu and Rueili. However, due to the rise of Alishan tourism, the trail became a popular scenic spot. The whole trail should take about 2 hours to walk, but there are gazebos and benches along the trail for people to rest. Visitors can observe traditional lifestyles of the local people such as the way they pick bamboo shots and Aiyu. Fenreui Trail not only has plenty of culture of history, but also has abundant natural resources.
You can see some distinctive creatures on the Fenreui Trail such as Formosan macaques, Black bulbuls, Red-bellied Squirrels, and Formosan wild boar. The Trail is a great place for hiking and forest bathing. You can also oversee the village of Fenchihu. Come to Fenreui Trail when you visit Alishan!
Fenreui Trail
Drive on your own:
No. 3 National Highway (國道三號) -> exit from Zhongpu Interchange (中埔交流道) -> No. 18 Provincial Highway (台18線) -> turn left at Shizuo (石桌) -> 169 County Road (169縣道) -> Fenchihu (奮起湖) -> Fenruei Trail (奮瑞古道)
By Train -> Bus:
Take train to Chiayi Train Station (嘉義火車站)-> take Chiayi Bus bound for Fenchihu (嘉義公車往奮起湖)to Fenchihu(奮起湖) -> Fenruei Trail (奮瑞古道)
By Bus:
Take Chiayi Bus (嘉義縣聯營公車) bound for Meishan (梅山), Taiping (太平) or Fenchihu (奮起湖) to Rueili (瑞里) or Fenchihu (奮起湖) -> Fenruei Trail (奮瑞古道)
No. 3 National Highway (國道三號) -> exit from Zhongpu Interchange (中埔交流道) -> No. 18 Provincial Highway (台18線) -> turn left at Shizuo (石桌) -> 169 County Road (169縣道) -> Fenchihu (奮起湖) -> Fenruei Trail (奮瑞古道)
By Train -> Bus:
Take train to Chiayi Train Station (嘉義火車站)-> take Chiayi Bus bound for Fenchihu (嘉義公車往奮起湖)to Fenchihu(奮起湖) -> Fenruei Trail (奮瑞古道)
By Bus:
Take Chiayi Bus (嘉義縣聯營公車) bound for Meishan (梅山), Taiping (太平) or Fenchihu (奮起湖) to Rueili (瑞里) or Fenchihu (奮起湖) -> Fenruei Trail (奮瑞古道)