Kenting Travel features up-to-date information on travel guide, tours, specials, hotels and attractions in Kenting, where is a popular, enchanting holiday destination to visit all year round. Book you hotel now and enjoy the sun, beaches, and marvels of nature.

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Transportation to Kenting

From Taipei to Kenting

For one’s Kenting travel, travelers may either take plane, train, high speed rail or bus from Taipei to Kaohsiung. From Kaohsiung, transfer bus to Kenting area (travel time: 50min-6hrs from Taipei to Kaohsiung depending on the type of transportation.)


By Plane:

Take plane from Taipei Songshan Airport (Taipei International Airport) to Hengchun Airport (flight time: 1hr-1hr10m).

Airlines Flight NO. From Departure Arrival SUN MON TUE WED THR FRI SAT
UNI AIR B7-351 Taipei 12:00 13:10 N N Y N Y Y N
UNI AIR B7-352 Hengchun 13:30 14:35 N N Y N Y N N
For more information on flight schedule, please visit the official website of Hengchun Airport or Taipei Songshan Airport.


By Taiwan High Speed Rail (HSR):

Take Taiwan High Speed Rail (HSR) from Taipei Main Station to HSR Zuoying Station
(travel time: about 1.5-2 hrs/ fare: about TWD 1500).


For more information on high speed rail schedule, please visit the official website of Taiwan High Speed Rail (HSR)

Kaohsiung Main Station


By Train:

Take train from Taipei Main Station to Kaohsiung Main Station
(travel time: about 4.5-6hrs/ fare: about TWD 800-900).
For more information on train schedule, please visit the official website of Taiwan Railways.


By Bus:

Take bus from Taipei Bus Station (adjacent to the Taipei Main Station) to Kaohsiung
(travel time 5-6 hrs/ fare: TWD 400-700).

For more information on bus schedule and ticketing, please visit the official website of Taipei Bus Station(currently only available in Mandarin).

From Kaohsiung to Kenting (by bus)

Travelers may take a 1.5-2hr bus ride (King Bus (KuoKuang Bus)/Pingtung Bus/Kenting Bus) from the HSR Zuoying Station or Kenting Main Station to Kenting area.


Regular Bus

Express Bus
(via No. 88 Provincial Highway)

Kenting HSR Zuoying Station - Kenting TWD 333
(about 190 minutes)
TWD 314 (about 150 minutes)
Kenting HSR Zuoying Station - Hengchun TWD 305 TWD 286
Kenting Main Station - Kenting TWD 309 TWD 290
Kenting Main Station - Hengchun TWD 281 TWD 262
Kenting Main Station - Eluanbi TWD 334 TWD 315

Kenting Express Bus (only 7 stops via No.88 Provincial Highway)
TWD 418 (two way discount TWD650)


HSR Zuoying Station: Buses are available on the 1st floor of HSR Zuoying Station. Turn right after exiting from the arrival hall.

Kenting Main Station: Buses are available on the opposite side of the train station.


Note: Time/fares might be adjusted without prior notices.

Kenting Hotels

Hengchun Farmer's Holiday Hotel

Hengchun Farmer's Holiday Hotel
Hengchun Farmer's Holiday Hotel is a contemporary hotel perf…
TWD 2,300+

Kenting Dajanshan Hotel

Kenting Dajanshan Hotel
Kenting Dajanshan Hotel is a budget Kenting hotel close to m…
TWD 680+

Kenting Attractions

Houbihu Marina
Houbihu Marina

Houbihu is the biggest fishing harbor in Kentig National Park, and has the large...

Kenting Forest Recreation Area
Kenting Forest Recreation Area

Merely a 10 minute walk from Kenting Street, it is the second national forest re...

Sheding Nature Park
Sheding Nature Park

Situated in a natural environment, Sheding Nature Park is covered with coral ree...

Henchun Chuhuo (Eternal Flame)
Henchun Chuhuo (Eternal Flame)

As its meaning in Chinese, Chuhuo is place where natural gas leaks to the surfac...

Eluanbi Lighthouse
Eluanbi Lighthouse

Kenting National Park is Taiwan's first and southernmost national park. The park...