
/ 老山羊部落格
opening hours:
E-Das Hall - (Multimedia Presentation) Taroko – The Land of Diversity
Closed on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month
Buluowan Briefing Room -(Multimedia Presentation) Taroko National Park- The Beauties of Buluowan
Closed on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month
Drive on your own:
No. 5 National Highway: From Sizih Interchange (汐止交流道) of No. 1 National Highway (國道1號/中山高) connect to No. 5 National Highway (國道5號/北宜高速公路) -> Xueishan Tunnel (雪山隧道) -> Suao Interchange (蘇澳交流道) -> No. 9 Provincial Highway (台9號) -> No. 8 Provincial Highway (台8線) -> go straight and take the left side of the fork road ahead of Xipan Tunnel (溪畔隧道) -> Buluowan (布洛灣)
No. 5 National Highway: From Nangang Interchange (南港交流道) of No. 3 National Highway (國道3號/北二高) connect to No. 5 National Highway (國道5號/北宜高速公路) -> Xueishan Tunnel (雪山隧道) -> Suao Interchange (蘇澳交流道) -> No. 9 Provincial Highway (台9號) -> No. 8 Provincial Highway (台8線) -> go straight and take the left side of the fork road ahead of Xipan Tunnel (溪畔隧道) -> Buluowan (布洛灣)
By Hualien Bus:
Take Hualien Bus at Hualien Train Station (花蓮火車站). Hualien Bus (花蓮客運) is available twice a day at 11:10 & 14:40. The bus will take you to the lower terrace of Buluowan around 12:35 & 15:45.
By Train:
Take train to Sincheng (Taroko) Station (太魯閣新城車站). From there, visitors may rent a vehicle to Buluowan(布洛灣).
By Plane:
Fly by UNI Air (立榮航空)or TransAsia Airways (復興航空) to Hualien. From there, visitors may rent a vehicle to Buluowan (布洛灣).