Dongshan River Water Park

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Dongshan (Winter Mountain) River is an artificial canal, which stretches from Taiher Village in Dongshan to the flood prevention sluice gate at Huchia Village. The greenish rice fields are on both sides of the riverbank and creates a comfortable atmosphere. The wide open areas offer splendid country scenery, and it has been a major landmark scene for Lanyang Plain.From Lijr Bridge to Zhiachin Bridge, there is a 5 km long, 60 to 170 meter-wide river fringed by river dams, reforested woodland, and manicured greenish landscape. As such, the carefully designed logistic has made Dongshan River a truly scenic wide water land in the area.Along the riverbanks, there are several recreational spots jointly administered by the government and the locals. Among some of the attractive facilities are the ecology preservation area, camping ground, barbecue pits, water sport areas, resting and recreation area, water park, and the beach front. The Yilan county government is currently working on the construction of an outdoor marine museum in its endeavor to boost tourism business. Dongshan River is the fifth longest rivers in Yilan County, and has become Yilan’s popular tourist area. The most attractive spot is the Chinshui Park at the middle section of the river. Here, visitors can enjoy outdoor theater performances, stroll at the shallow water pools, and boating on the river. On the river dams, there are also interesting paintings by the elementary school students as well as two ceramic sculptures of the Yellow and Green Dragons.
By car :
From Luotung, go on No. 7C Provincial Route or from Tucheng, go pass Shinlan Main Bridge and then go on No 2C Provincial Route to Lijr. Turn right to No. 7C Provincial Route.
By bus :
At Yilan, take the Yilan Express Bus bound for Chinshui, Yamin and Nan Fang-ao and alight at Zhiachin Bridge.