Hualien Attractions

Mount Chike

/ Eva隨手拍

Mount Chike is situated in the coastal ranges with an altitude of 800 to 1200 meters. At the summit there's a garden filled with 300 hectares of golden Daylily. Each year curing July and August are the prime harvest seasons.

It is one of the main Daylily attractions in Hualien along with Mount Lishidan. If one step slower and the day-lily blooms with its wide-open petals, then it may not be picked and used for eating. Therefore farmers are very careful with the growth of each and every Daylily.

Mount Chike would always hold an annual Day-Lily Season Festival where swarming visitors are attracted to devour the scenes of nature. Bright golden Daylily forms a sea of yellow and ripple under the blazing sunlight, a hot spot for photographing. Apart from sight-seeing, you may also purchase some really good-quality tea leaves (a souvenir of Mount Chike) and is sold at the nearby Lu Valley. It is never tedious at Mount Chike as your mind would be engulfed by the light fragrance of nature.
Melody S.

opening hours:

Town office
Contact : 03-888-2069


By Own Car :
1) Going southward on the no.9 Provincial Route - cross Taiping Bridge and then turn left to Gaoliao Bridge in order to reach Gaoliao. Lastly follow the signs up Mount Tsike.

2) Going northward from Taidong may continue onto Lede Highway from the front of Yuli Bridge. Arrive at Gaoliao round-about and lastly follow the signs up to Mount Tsike.