Zhoukoudian(Peking Man Site)
Zhoukoudian(Peking Man Site)-
Peking Man Site, or Zhoukoudian, was first found in 1918 by a Swedish geologist. Remains and relics such as human fossils, implements, charred marks serve as evidence of human civilization and development and proved that the Peking Man were capable of producing fire at their time. They lived more than 10,000 years ago and were of great value to biology, history and anthropology.

As one of the world heritages listed by UNESCO, the Peking Man Site displays materials and casts used by Peking Man and reconstructed models of human and vertebrate fossils. The government also lists Peking Man Site as an important site for teenage education.

Peking Man Site is an attraction for tourists to learn about the origin and history of human beings during their Beijing travel. For more sightseeing attractions in Beijing, please visit our Beijing Tourism website for a map to guide your China tour and to find your ideal China hotel.
Yolanda / Daisy
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bus Route917 from Crossover stop to FangShan stop