Hualien Attractions


/ 老山羊部落格

Buluowan Recreation Area is located in Buluowan mesa which nears Yantzkou, is 9 kilometers east of Taroko and 10 kilometers west of Tianshiang. Stressing on the preservation and exhibition of cultural relics, Taroko National Park Headquarters spent 3 years in programming and constructing the site. Also a visiting trail has been built here. The headquarters wishes to develop this area into a tourist center of the National Park.The beautifully designed bamboo huts in Truku style are built on Buluowan mesa. And the rest part of mesa has a circular theater, a restaurant, an artwork shop, and the Truku culture exhibition area. All the architectures here aim to recur the traditional Truku lifestyle and show the character of aborigines' culture. Surrounded by laurels, bamboos, peaches, plums, cherries, the bamboo huts look prettier.

opening hours:

E-Das Hall - (Multimedia Presentation) Taroko – The Land of Diversity
Closed on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month

Buluowan Briefing Room -(Multimedia Presentation) Taroko National Park- The Beauties of Buluowan
Closed on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month


Drive on your own:
No. 5 National Highway: From Sizih Interchange (汐止交流道) of No. 1 National Highway (國道1號/中山高) connect to No. 5 National Highway (國道5號/北宜高速公路) -> Xueishan Tunnel (雪山隧道) -> Suao Interchange (蘇澳交流道) -> No. 9 Provincial Highway (台9號) -> No. 8 Provincial Highway (台8線) -> go straight and take the left side of the fork road ahead of Xipan Tunnel (溪畔隧道) -> Buluowan (布洛灣)

No. 5 National Highway: From Nangang Interchange (南港交流道) of No. 3 National Highway (國道3號/北二高) connect to No. 5 National Highway (國道5號/北宜高速公路) -> Xueishan Tunnel (雪山隧道) -> Suao Interchange (蘇澳交流道) -> No. 9 Provincial Highway (台9號) -> No. 8 Provincial Highway (台8線) -> go straight and take the left side of the fork road ahead of Xipan Tunnel (溪畔隧道) -> Buluowan (布洛灣)

By Hualien Bus:
Take Hualien Bus at Hualien Train Station (花蓮火車站). Hualien Bus (花蓮客運) is available twice a day at 11:10 & 14:40. The bus will take you to the lower terrace of Buluowan around 12:35 & 15:45.

By Train:
Take train to Sincheng (Taroko) Station (太魯閣新城車站). From there, visitors may rent a vehicle to Buluowan(布洛灣).

By Plane:
Fly by UNI Air (立榮航空)or TransAsia Airways (復興航空) to Hualien. From there, visitors may rent a vehicle to Buluowan (布洛灣).

Nearby Attractions

Swallow Grotto (Yanzikou)
Eternal Spring Shrine
Shakadang Trail (Mysterious Valley Trail)
Tunnel of Nine Turns
Taroko National Park
Taroko Visitor Center
Cihmu Bridge (Loving Mother Bridge)
Xiangde Temple
Tianxiang (Tianhsiang)